Monday, December 29, 2008

it's over and i miss it.

Well - The Riffle extravaganza has come and gone and the memory is sweet. We had an absolute blast hosting this year in Port Ludlow and hope to do so again for many years. The Lynnwood Riffles and Reno Riffles joined us in our celebrating and it was just great times all around. For starters - it was white and beautiful. It actually snowed the day they arrived.

We had great conversation, laughter and food the entire time. This has by far been one of my favorite Christmases, and Tucker was definitely in agreement. I can't wait for many more holidays with my in-laws, I love them all. Oh and Randy - I think you left your vagisil in the bathroom.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG! And you were mad at me for paiting his nails??? WOW at least mine won't scar him for life...but on a lighter note, your house looks beautiful in the snow. I miss you guys and can't wait to get together again.