Our original due date was June 14th but the little bean inside me had different plans. My blood pressure was pretty high towards the end of pregnancy so they decided to induce as opposed to risking pre-eclampsia. I was induced with Cervadil (sp?) June 20th and kept overnight at the hospital for monitoring. That was a strange experience for someone who has never stayed in a hospital! I was in love with all my nurses and doctors, my room had an amazing view of Port Townsend and a HUGE tub. They let me go Saturday morning as I wasn't really progressing too much, it's always better to go through the process at home. My intentions were to stay at home as long as possible and to have a natural childbirth. Well as soon as my contractions were very painful that all changed. Rex's parents Roger and Franny were here visiting and they got to listen to me moaning in my room...finally we went to the hospital for the second time and the wonderful nurse sent me home after letting me take a bath in the giant tub. We went to my doctor on Monday to find out if I was progressing AT ALL - and I had only just begun to dilate. Mind you I have been having intense contractions since Saturday - not such good news. Once she heard what discomfort I was in she checked me right in to the hospital to labor through it. I continued with the extremely intense contractions that were increasing in strength and frequency until Tuesday afternoon when I was fully dilated and my water broke. My family was in the waiting room throughout all of this, including my in-laws and my Uncle Rob, my parents, my sister, and my grandmother. I think at one point Franny, my mom and my g-mom set up chairs outside my room to listen to me yelling. Oh and the word of choice was MotherFucker. What a lady! I was finally allowed to push and I could just tell something wasn't right. After 2 hours of pushing I looked my doctor in the eye and said 'something is wrong' I think she saw my fear and concern so we moved forward with the Cesarean. Thank god for Epidural and Morphine.
Tucker John Riffle was brought into this world at 5:23 p.m. weighing in at 8 pounds 7 ounces and 21 inches long. He had a 'true knot' in his cord that kept him from descending into proper position for birth. Had I continued to push - he could have been a very sick baby. Thank god for instinct, my husband, my family, my doctors, and the nurses. This was such an incredible experience for me despite all the drama associated with it. This taught me that despite all the intentions and planning, mother nature is going to do things as she sees fit. I love the end result with all my heart.
1 comment:
Hi Millissa and Rex,
Wow...so that's why they call it LABOR!!! It was worth it tho because Tucker looks adorable and I cannot wait to see him.
Congratulations on a beautiful boy and I am so very proud of both of you.
I live in the Sacramento area, in case you are ever driving through.
Love you all lots!!
Aunt Jeannie
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